In Memory of





Condolence From: Marietta and Ted Faszer
Condolence: Dear Aunt Gloria and family, We're thinking of you and praying God's strength and comfort for you during this tender time approaching one year since Uncle Roy's death. We remember Uncle Roy fondly, with gratitude to God. And we love you. Gentle hugs, Marietta and Ted Faszer
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Elaine Hendricks
Condolence: My deep condolences to you all on the recent passing of your husband, Gloria, and your dad, Brenda, Kent, Elroy and Roxy. I always enjoyed the interactions with Roy - he always took the time and the interest in a person. He always displayed such a pleasant and positive outlook on life and will always be thought of in terms of a Godly great example. My prayers are with you all. Lovingly, Elaine Hendricks
Sunday January 08, 2017
Condolence From: Nell Roduik & Lori Taylor
Condolence: Dearest Gloria and family. We want to convey how sad we are about Roy's passing. We have enjoyed so many years of friendship and have so many lovely memories of time spent together. We pray that you will be comforted by the many friends and family who love you. May you feel the presence of your loving Father in heaven. Please know that you are loved and that we are thinking of you and praying for you all during this difficult time. Love Lori & Nell.
Thursday January 05, 2017
Condolence From: Ken, Kathy,Evan and Emma Walker
Condolence: Dear Gloria and all of Roy's family. We are praying for you all at this time. Roy is undoubtedly with our lord right now and is whole again but it will be difficult to be here without him. He was a wonderful example of a Christian man. My kids looked up to him for this. So happy that they could know him. God bless.
Thursday January 05, 2017
Condolence From: Elaine Wiedemann
Condolence: Dear Gloria & family, My sincere condolences on Roy's passing. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you celebrate Roy's life on Friday. Blessings, Elaine
Tuesday January 03, 2017
Condolence From: Cheryl Semrau
Condolence: May God give you comfort at this time. Roy Weiss was my Dad Len Semrau's cousin.
Sunday January 01, 2017
Condolence From: Cindy Vetter, Eileen Wolfer
Condolence: To Gloria, Brenda, Kent, Elroy, Roxy and all your extended family. I am so sorry to hear of Roy's passing. He was a wonderful man, and will be missed greatly. I will always remember the friendship and visits he extended to my dad when he was in the hospital. My dad was so appreciative of his visits. Sending you all mine and my moms sympathies. May God keep in safe and strong under his wing. Sorry, but I am unable to make it to the funeral, but know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Cindy and Eileen
Sunday January 01, 2017
Condolence From: Marietta and Ted Faszer
Condolence: Dear Aunt Gloria, Brenda, Kent, Elroy, Roxie and families, Love and sympathy to you. We pray God's comfort and peace for all of you as you celebrate Uncle Roy's life and faith, and mourn his loss. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints," Psalm 115:16. Marietta and Ted Faszer
Saturday December 31, 2016
Condolence From: Nathan
Condolence: Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear loved one. Death is never an 'easy pill to swallow'. The Bible repeatedly speaks about the elimination of death and God's promise of everlasting life for mankind. Our Creator has the power and desire to put a permanent end to death. Soon this enemy, death, will be brought to nothing. (1 Cor. 15;26) May you draw comfort from the Bible's promises as you cherish the precious memories of Roy.
Saturday December 31, 2016